COFEX (cough syrup)
Product details
Aconitum Napellus Q 1% v/v, Justicia Adhatoda 3C 2% v/v, Drosera 36 2% v/v, Ipecaecuanha 3C 1% v/v, Ocimum Santonum 3C 2% v/v, Gelsemium 3C 1% v/v, Allium Cepa 3C 1% v/v,Euphrasia 3C 1% v/v, Kali Sulph 6X 0.5% v/v, Kali Phosphoricum 3X 0.5% v/v, Magnesium Phosp. 6X 0.5% v/v, Excipients in syrup base Q.S.
100 ml.
Aconitum Napellus Q 1% v/v, Justicia Adhatoda 3C 2% v/v, Drosera 36 2% v/v, Ipecaecuanha 3C 1% v/v, Ocimum Santonum 3C 2% v/v, Gelsemium 3C 1% v/v, Allium Cepa 3C 1% v/v,Euphrasia 3C 1% v/v, Kali Sulph 6X 0.5% v/v, Kali Phosphoricum 3X 0.5% v/v, Magnesium Phosp. 6X 0.5% v/v, Excipients in syrup base Q.S.
- Dry spasmodic cough
- Productive cough with copious expectoration
- Allergic cold & cough
Unique Features :
- No drowsiness
- No addiction
- Safe for pregnant & lactating women and children
- No known contraindication
Dosage guideline
Adults: 5 ml 3-5 times a day
Child: 2.5 ml 3-5 times a day
or as directed by the physician
100 ml.