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Product details

Product Description:


Mother's Comfort Tablets


Nourish and support your body during the precious journey of pregnancy with Mother's Comfort Tablets. Especially designed to cater to the unique needs of expecting mothers, these tablets strive to make the path smoother and more comfortable.


Key Ingredients:


Calcarea fluorica HPI 3X: Known for its health-boosting properties to fortify and strengthen.

Calcarea phosphorica HPI 3X: Recognized for its calcium-rich attributes that aid bone health and overall vitality.

Kali phosphoricum HPI 3X: Valuable in enhancing energy levels and improving nervous system functions.

Magnesium phosphoricum HPI 3X: Aids in muscle relaxation, thereby assisting in reducing cramps and discomfort.


Product Features:


Equal Proportion Blend: Ensuring a balanced composition for consistent benefits.

Indications: When taken throughout pregnancy, it aids in relieving labor pains, ensures a smoother delivery, and supports both the mother's health and the child's development.

Dosage Guidance: Adults are advised to take 4 tablets every three to four hours. Children should follow half of the adult dosage. Always consult and follow the guidance of your physician.


Packaging Options:


Compact 25-gram pack: Perfect for short trips or for those wishing to trial the product.

Bulky 450-gram pack: Suitable for continuous users, guaranteeing you don't run out during crucial times.


Store in a cool, dry, and shaded location to maintain potency. Embrace the beauty of motherhood with added assurance and less discomfort using Mother's Comfort Tablets – your supportive companion in this incredible journey!


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